Metagenics Five Mushroom Extract 25mL
A High Potency Mushroom Extract Which May Assist In The Management Of Allergies And Upper Respiratory Tract Infections.
Ingredients in Five Mushroom are traditionally used to or may:
Promote and support healthy immune function.
Assist in the management of allergies and URTIs.
Contains five Japanese mushrooms organically grown.
Clinical Benefits:
Helps promote and support healthy immune function: Five Mushroom promotes healthy immune function by potentiating the innate and acquired immune responses. Five Mushroom may also assist in the management of upper respiratory tract infections via several mechanisms. Shiitake has been shown to potentiate the response of precursor T cells and macrophages to cytokines as well as restore the suppressed activity of T helper cells. Cordyceps helps to support the immune system by promoting phagocytosis and acting as a powerful lymphocyte regulator. Cordyceps has also been shown to modulate Th1 and Th2 cell function. White mushroom stimulates the immune system by producing IL-1, IL-6 and TNF, shown in vitro.
May assist in the management of allergies: Five Mushroom contains reiishi mushroom which is traditionally used in Chinese medicine to assist in the management of allergies.2 The potential mechanism to support the effect of reiishi mushroom on allergies is via the inhibition of histamine release from mast cells, demonstrated in vitro.